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About Hannah
Why is it that I can write a 100k word novel but the 'about me' section of my website seems impossible?
Your guess is as good as mine. So let's start at the beginning...
Hi, it's me . . . I'm the problem it's---
Just kidding., maybe not....But if you know me well enough, you know I can't resist throwing in some mother TayTay every chance I get.
Okay....Hi, I'm Hannah and I have no idea how I got here. All I can say is that in 2016, during a horrible bout of PPD/PPA and minimal sleep, my husband came up with the grand idea of writing out some of my crazy pregnancy dreams in my notes app as a way to tire out my brain and help me sleep. Some how that turned into a 180k word novel.
And of course my best friends and mom wanted to read it. I of course said "absolutely fucking not". I shoved that novel into google docs and opened it on occasion when I needed something to distract me from the chaos of life.
Enter 2020... I was working as a speech and language pathologist and Covid hit. Well, that anxiety I thought went away with PPA/PPD came roaring back and the only thing I could think to do was write. This time I caved to the demand of my family and friends and after much research decided to publish 'The Celestra' (only so my mom could put it on her bookshelf and brag about me when everyone came over to play cards). I truly did not expect it to take off.
Well . . . almost 3 years later and I have now quit that full-time job and replaced it with a dream I never even knew I had. I currently have 3 self-published works, 1 on the way and 4 more in the plotting stages.
This wild and very unexpected journey has brought me so much joy and I can't wait to see where it takes me.

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