Nera, a woman with no home, no family, and no memories of why; finds herself in an unfamiliar world. Following an escape to a wooded paradise, she stumbles into a man who agrees to help her. But why? And what secrets does he have hidden behind the scars that trail his body?
Tarak, a man with a mission, a plan, and a destiny; finds a woman lost in the forest and with her, the opportunity to escape the path set in place since his birth. But what happens when his plans change and that opportunity turns into something more–something filled with passion and intrigue–something he desires more than freedom.
Ithesin, a world filled with lies, secrets, and more magic than even the most noble have yet to encounter. It’s splintering apart by the second and only the ones destined to lead it will be able to pull those frayed edges back together.
But what if they don’t want it?
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